Worried about my 3 year old and life as she is so shy and quiet
I was always shy and quiet in school and got bullied for it which didn’t help so naturally I’m worried about my daughter.
She has such a kind heart, always wants to hug everyone and is so polite and sweet. We went on a play date recently with 2 children from her pre school and she just kept hugging the girl. When the girl would run off with the boy, she felt left out and got upset that they weren’t playing with her.
It takes her a long time to warm up to people and transitioning from nursery to pre school was hard as she gets used to people and hates change.
I guess I’m just worried about her and all the changes she will go through. Once she leaves pre school it’s a new school.
Is there anything more I could be doing at home to help her feel confident ?
Hi. I have a 3.5 years old and I am in the same place than you. I believe some kids were affected by the pandemic because he didn’t connect with much people when he was little and now he is finding it hard. I can just say that you are not alone on this and what I am trying to do is to prepare him for the things that could happen before we meet new people, talk to him about what people could expect from him as say hello and not to hide and explain why. And also pride him a lot when he does well. I am hoping that little by little he will get more understanding of what the situation requires but also more confident if things don’t go his way. You cannot avoid bullying for happening, but you can try to make your baby strong enough to talk to you about it and to don’t let it affect him.