Little dots on backs of arms
Anyones little ones or themselves get these little dots on the back of your upper arm?
Hes had them for awhile and doctor said its a genetic thing and not a ton can be done. Ive also heard gluten allergy online but 🤷‍♀️
My husband did have them too but think itll come and go 🤔 so curious.
I just feel bad not making it look nicer. It doesn’t bother him and the rest of his skin doesn’t have an issue at all but it forsure doesnt look the best and just dont want it to scar or something 🤷‍♀️
It won't scar. I have it at times and my son's have. It's annoying to feel them. When I did a trial with rodan and fields they have a product that helps it. I can't remember name but I think it was in their green colored collection. It worked