I’d say if it’s worth salvaging try counseling. However definitely put some money aside, you know just incase. Act like everything is alright, but educate yourself on the process and have an attorney on standby. I’ve seen similar situations go horribly wrong for those who don’t make themselves aware of their rights and choices involved in this process. If kids are involved, do make sure you file first!!
I'd go for the divorce. Don't make a man tell you more than once that he doesn't want you. Being mad doesn't validate looking into getting a divorce
@Kimberly Dana 💯💯💯💯💯 best comment !!! A man that truly loves you would never do / say that !!!
Marriage isn't perfect. I feel it's unrealistic to think that we are going to go out whole lives without seconding guessing. Or feeling as if we want our, it happens! Things get tough but marriage is about. Making the decision to love each other EVERYDAY! and in this moment you both have to choose whether your going to continue making that decision. I highly suggest counseling and talking to him about it, find out why he felt he wanted a divorce. I feel like telling him to do it, is childish and petty because what does that get you? Now if he truly wants out then yes don't beg a man to stay! And if this is reoccurring like he does this often then yes I suggest looking at divorce as well as that would show he isn't in it for the long run but if this is the first time he has done this then I say give him grace marriage isn't about petty retaliation sometimes our partners do things like this and we get so wrapped up in our emotions that we do regrettable things out of spite
He could have very well looked at a video on "How to get my anger under control and treat wife better" videos which are on YouTube these days by some good counselors..!!? Have a good talk and when on good talking terms see a counselor together and understand what's on his mind during the session being as non judgemental as possible. Talk to a trusted friend or a counselor later sharing your views of what he expressed. Make arrangements for yourself and the kids to have a safe exit if it seems that way or make arrangements to have a beautiful transformation in your family life if things look like they will improve. Either way secure yourselves as a family. His ideas are his and your reaction to it must be building a hedge so good that he should be ashamed of having his thoughts get him this far. That you aren't afraid should be evident but also the fact that you are priceless and irreplaceable.
If you don’t have a job start looking for a job