💚 vent about lack of symptoms 😩

When I first got pregnant with my angel baby the way I knew I was pregnant and decided to take a test was because my boobs hurt SO badly and I kept randomly throwing up with out feeling ill I had all the symptoms until we lost our sweet girl at 18 weeks 💔I am now 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant with our rainbow baby and having absolutely no symptoms at all and whenever I complain about not having symptoms and how much anxiety it brings that something isn’t going correctly because I have no symptoms I often get met with the comment of how I should be “happy” and “grateful” to not have symptoms people don’t seem to understand how I would honestly rather be throwing everything up to have that reassurance than have no symptoms at all, it might sound crazy to be upset about those types of comments but I feel like my feelings of anxiety are being invalidated.
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You're not crazy. I was actually just talking to my husband about the same thing. I've had two losses through IVF and just did another transfer. If this one sticks, I actually want symptoms to help reassure me that it's healthy. I think many people who haven't gone through a loss really don't understand the fear it causes. Bottom line, just know you're not alone!

Not crazy at all ! I’m so sorry for your loss by the way. Must have been really tough, also since we think we have ruled out the possibility of miscarriage at 18 weeks.. I lost my baby at 10 weeks, at the scan, they saw with the size of the baby that the heart had probably stopped beating at 9 weeks. 9 weeks was exactly when i realized my symptoms had stopped. I had absolutely no symptoms except my boobs were tender and i had acid reflux. I was being told how lucky i was that i had no symptoms but i knew these symptoms would have comforted me. Especially since i was really anxious from the start. Anyway ! I completely understand how you feel and these feelings are VALID ! Sorry for me english, i’m french canadian !

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