Affordable daycares?

Anyone know of an affordable daycare near Leander/Cedar Park? My husband and I both work full time. Last daycare (kids r kids) was great but my baby needed his PT exercises at daycare and they just stopped. They also pushed his feeding windows cause they didn’t want to “waste formula” and he doesn’t eat well when he’s distracted. Husband works from home so we’ve made it work since we pulled him out. But husband’s job is getting more needy so we want to find somewhere for our baby to be safe and get the care he needs. PT at daycare isn’t a requirement but it’s always appreciated.
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Uuuh when you find out, please let me know! I'm having a hard time finding a good affordable daycare myself as well 😭

@Jana they’re so expensive. I found a church based one that $300/mo but it’s part time. 9am-12pm I think

I know!!! I don't know how people afford having kids these days... 9-12 is nothing, I definitely need it to be as close to 5 as possible but anywhere between 3-5 is fine

How much were you paying at kids r kids if you don't mind me asking?

@Jana close to $1700/month for a baby under 12mo

I wish daycares would just post their rates. I hate how hard it is to find a price

$1700??? Omg I will start crying 😭 and yes, exactly I wish they just post rates instead of being so secretive about them

@Jana babies under 12months always have the highest rates…unfortunately it mages sense cause they need the most care and attention

Little Hugs off Hero Way was great for us. I don't know about PT, but I do know there baby room was quiet and they were good about feeding on demand.

@Sarah Hi, could you share the name of the church based daycare you found?

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