Free Prenatal/Labor class with lots of take home goodies

Hi! I'm not sure if this is allowed, but I work with a local Lansing nonprofit that does prenatal classes and infant care classes-Expectant Parents Organization. We have a FREE class starting this upcoming Sunday (June 16th) because we just got a big grant. If you'd like to sign up for a class all about mediation, yoga, sound therapy, and lots of other labor prep beyond a standard delivery class nows your chance. We have 14 seats still open. Flyer is below. Use code SOUNDBIRTHING2024 for a 100% discount at checkout at This is not an attempt to sell anyone anything. No insurance is needed or proof of income. We are just giving out scholarship seats to reach as many mom's as possible.
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Is this still available?

@Ash Hi Ash, yes! We actually added a third session too. Use code SOUNDBIRTHING2024 at checkout at for 100% off for these scholarship seats. We would love to have you join us. Session 1 is already happening, but session 2 is August 3rd & 4th (a weekend) and session 3 is August 17th & 18th (a weekend). If you have any issues with sign up please either let me know here or you can email me directly for assistance at Thank you for your interest!

Thank you so much

@Ash Lol. Guess I'm not the only one up late. While we're both here I don't know if you have weekend plans but our org will be at the Celebrate Meridian block festival tomorrow from 4-9pm with a pop up free store of gently used childrens clothing. We'll have flyers, email sign ups, a raffle, and a booth full of baby items (toys too).

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