@Kate thank you! That makes me feel a little bit better about it! And I’m not sure about if I have an anterior or posterior. They didn’t mention that part to me!
@Harley I have no idea if it helped or not but I did forward leaning inversions daily to make sure baby ended up head down, not sure if that would have an effect on the placenta moving out of the way or not but it felt like I was doing something. I think a lot depends on how far your placenta is covering and how your uterus grows in the rest of your pregnancy.
Hiya, my placenta is completely coving my cervix. They told me this at 20 weeks, I’m now 34 weeks and it hasn’t moved at all so I’m having a c section at 37 weeks. The doctors and midwives have been so good in monitoring me as unfortunately I have had a couple of bleeds with this. I was hopeful mine would move out the way but this hasn’t been the case for me! As I was told so early on the an indefinite c section may be the case, I had time to get my head around it.
Hi ladies, in my 20 scan they told me it’s close to the cervix and still not completely covering. I have anterior placenta. Should I restrict my activity or long standing, etc? I also have SCH and experienced bleeding couple of times and now I reassess scare of seeing any blood again.
@Katie I agree that finding out at 20 weeks has allowed me to process the information and allow myself to prepare for that if it comes down to it. I go Tuesday for my 24 week appointment and we will check on it and see what’s going on with it now! I know everything with be just fine for you and baby!! Good luck mama ! 💛
@Katie have you had many bleeds and many issues? What did they say was risk of complete placenta previa?
@Claire I had about 5 bleeds in total. The last one I had they decided to do a c section that day as it was the safest thing to do for me and baby. I was 35 weeks when I had my little girl, she’s completely healthy! I think the doctors were worried about my placenta bleeding as my stomach grew and more pressure pushing down on it.
@Katie thanks Katie. I have just been told and I am freaking out
I also got the same diagnosis and feel like I am just waiting for bleeding to occur, even having vivid dreams of bleeding 😐 did anyone else's OB ask for pelvic rest and no squatting?
@Steph I got told not to have sex from 22 weeks when I got diagnosed
@Steph my constant didn’t I did ask and he said not yet which I was confused about after reading so much. But an UK based don’t don’t know if they advise differently?!
Hi there! I had a complete previa my first pregnancy and it moved by 28 weeks! 9 out of 10 move by the time you need to deliver by. Do you know if you have an anterior or posterior placenta?