No sign of braxton hicks/labour?😩

38+4 and no experience of braxton hicks the whole pregnancy, I think I’ll be going over my due date with little one as there’s no signs of him making his arrival just yet! Is anyone else feeling this? I know a due date given is more of a due window but I’m so ready to meet him!🙈x
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With my first baby, I had barely any pregnancy symptoms the whole way through, super high bump. Felt good enough to go for a six mile walk with the husband and the dogs. I was mentally prepared to go over my due date but then after the walk my waters went and I was 38+6 ☺️

I’m 40 +1 and have had no braxton hicks or lightning crotch and no signs on baby coming yet. They are fully engaged and I feel slightly more pressure but that’s it!

Same here with no signs! She clearly dropped a few weeks ago but asked my midwife at the last appointment and still isn’t engaged - 2nd baby but I was induced last time so not sure what it feels like to go into labor naturally. My c-section is scheduled for next Monday so ideally it stays this way until then, but also super antsy & ready now!

I am the same. I am 38+6 and no experience of braxton hicks. My bump is still high and no sign of labour.

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