I had an emergency c section in May 2022 and then in May 2024 I tried to go for a Vbac delivery but I ended up opening my scar back up and going in for another emergency c section. But I’m still glad I gave natural a go first as I really didn’t want another c section xx
How long between deliveries will you have? When I spoke to the consultant he said 75% of women, with straightforward pregnancies go on to have a successful VBAC. I think this was based on only having had 1 prior c-section. The % is lower for multiple previous sections or if there are additional complications. I don’t think he was trying to scare you, it’s factually correct that it’s safer to go into labour spontaneously over being induced, if you’ve had a prior section. Are you UK based? There is some info on the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists website & the Royal College of Midwifery. I would highly recommend having a look and making your decision based off the facts on there. It’s what I’ve done for my current pregnancy, due December and I’ve decided that for me the odds aren’t good enough to opt for VBAC over elective section x
Isn't a 1 in 200 chance REALLY low? That's less than a percent. That sounds promising if you ask me.