Slow labour

Been in slow labour for over a week now and honestly just completely over it! Baby number 3 but every single day I think todays got to be the day then before I know it I’m asleep and everything’s died off again, ground hog day begins and I start the day feeling sick and needing the toilet lose more of my bloody show and then contractions on and off all day and still no baby! I’m 39 weeks so not even due yet but the false alarms have just destroyed me , physically and mentally I’m completely drained. Just needed to put my feelings into words somewhere! Hope everyone else is doing well
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My baby has been doing this since 28 weeks I’m 37 now I feel you it’s not the easiest ❤️ sending hugs xxxx

@harley wow I wouldn’t cope for that long! Sending you lots of love ❤️

Could have written this myself! However mine started Thursday in hosp with bleed/bloody show and I’m in so much pain with the belly/back cramps Wishing you all the luck that baby makes an appearance soon for you! X

I can empathise with you wholeheartedly! I've been having this for about 3/4 weeks now. I'm currently 41+4! Had my 2nd sweep today and booked for induction tomorrow. Have been finally told today that I've started to dilate and my cervix is soft and open! I have hope at last! Wishing you all the luck with the safe arrival of your baby!

@Rachael oh bless you!!! Literally same! I’ve got to the point where I’m like how am I going to have energy for the active labour part , hope things get better for you soon too babe! Sending hugs 😫🩷

@Terri aww bless you that’s such a long time!!! Hope the induction goes well for you!!! I have been told I’m 3cm I can have a sweep on Thursday if I want one but honestly with the pains I’m already in I don’t see the point in it other than giving me more false hope! Hope your sweep works so you don’t need the induction! You’ll have to let us know! Good lucky sweetie 🩷

I have been having this for 2 weeks... Nothing is happening 😞

@Xing Yi hope things get better for you soon x

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