Birth Question!

What was the best & worst part of your birth experience?? Besides getting to finally hold and see your baby ofc! ❤️
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The worse part was the contractions for me. Because i was induced, the pain was 100x worse! Best part was getting that epidural so i can sleep like a log (which i did) Woke up and it was time to push 😂

I did all natural. I loved it and would do it all over again….. the contractions were painful once 9cm hit and it was more because how close they were together i couldn’t really relax but OMG Ring of fire. No one prepares you for that at all.

worst part was contractions during transition stage( after 7cm) they get thick and fast and i opted for no pain relief but the best part was the pushing for me, it was like a burst of relief i can’t even describe it as soon as that baby is out every pain you were feeling stops and it’s the most euphoric moment ever❤️

The worst part for me was getting the cannula in my hand 🤣 they tried a few times and couldn’t get it in so I was crying my eyes out 😂😂😂 Best part was epidural 1st and then pushing and feeling baby come out. (The epidural just takes away pain, so could still feel everything it just didn’t hurt 😂) xxx

The contractions 100%, I had no pain relief and they were absolutely horrendous😂😂

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