Anyone else?

I’m 37+5 and i’m sooo ready to meet my baby, i know he’s likely not going to be here for weeks yet because i’m a ftm but it’s getting me so down that i’m not having any labour signs and i find myself getting really upset whenever i wake up and realise there’s still no baby and still no signs of labour. Need some positivity to keep me going - baby’s dropped and i’m trying everything to get him out but it’s so disheartening i haven’t even seen signs of my mucus plug yet - i just want him out and want to meet him, i’m not even scared for labour i’m excited for it. Anyways, positive comments and stories will be appreciated 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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I had mine at 36+5 first time mum. I highly recommend trimming hedges with an electric trimmer for about 3 hours with a couple of tip runs and a food shop thrown in for good measure 🙈 I did that and then 3 hours later my waters broke and contractions started then pain started about 9 hours later 😅 I actually wouldn’t recommend it (I didn’t consider what the vibrations could do I was just on a mission to get stuff done) Your baby will be here in no time, try and enjoy this time as much as you can ❤️

I feel the same. I'm 37+2 and feeling so tight and uncomfortable. Baby's head is engaged but bump has not dropped yet. Struggling to walk with pgp at the moment. I can't wait for the labour either xx

Yes! 40 weeks today and so ready, absolutely no signs of labour even after a sweep earlier this week😫x

Same!! So excited to meet baby boy! Exactly 40 weeks today! I have not had any signs of labour yet. No Braxton hicks, nor has bump dropped and no plug yet. Just trying to be patient and know he will come when he is ready!!

So relatable! I’m currently 39 + 4 and had the impression I was gonna be induced due to baby jumping up the growth chart but last scan they said she’s grown fine and doesn’t need any intervention so now it’s just a waiting game for her to arrive 😩

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