Told family, now nervous...

Hey, I'm 7 weeks and we've told close family. I've heard my partner on the phone with his family getting so excited which is lovely but it's making me so nervous. We've still got a long way to go and it sounds silly but I can't help but think I hope this hasn't jinxed it. Praying even harder this is a strong and healthy baby.
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Telling people won't make the worst happen. All it will do is create a greater support network if it does. My last two pregnancies we didn't tell anyone and MC. I didn't have anyone. There was no excitement etc. This time I've told most of our family and close friends and so we've been able to have the excitement of it. They know what's happened before so they're being extra supportive already!

Thanks and you're right, we felt so alone before everyone knew. Trying to relax and reassure myself but deep down I'm like please be ok.

I weighed up telling people or not but opted to tell close family and friends so that if the worst does happen, we have people to lean on ♥️

It’s such a hard thing but the way I’ve looked at it is that if our closest know and something was to happen then we’d have that support to get us through the rough time. It’s a super lonely journey at the beginning so it’s lovely to have people to share your exciting news with and actually be able to be real and honest about what’s going on xx

We waited until 12weeks, at the start it was a fun little secret with my partner every time I would pass on a drink we would wink at each other it was quiet fun But yeh after that it got overwhelming when we told Our loved ones, you start getting so many questions all the time. I was finding hard as we got some high risk results at screening tests for downs and pattau, but people were reassuring and sharing their own experiences etc overall personally I started to relax after the 20 weeks anomaly scan!

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