Is it just me or…😂😂

Is it just me or did anyone else want another baby after having their LO? My LO is 1 month and I think within the next year and a half I want to have another baby😩 but 2 under 2 seems like a lot and I believe at least a 2.5-3 year age gap is good. Within 2-3 years I want to move out of state and into a bigger place. That will all be a lot at once
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If you think you can handle it then I don’t see why not! People do it all the time 🥰

Should also add that my sister and I have a 2 year age gap and we have a very close relationship with each other because the close age gap made us into the same things at the same time. That might not be for everyone but I certainly think it helped our bond!

I kid you not - I was 2 days pp and I was feeling such an intense urge to have another…even though it was definitely the hormones, I’m still surprised at how intense that feeling was - & I’m just sharing this because I wanna say I really acknowledge that desire to have another! Many moms do the 2 under 2 experience, and as hard as the first several weeks may be, they’ve always come out of the tunnel happy. But everyone has a unique experience! If you’ll be moving, I wouldn’t be too sure on being pregnant during it 😅 I myself moved a few months ago - 7-8 months pregnant - and it was noot fun for me at all, I can’t imagine how it might feel with a toddler around 😥

@Emily my older sister and I 3 years apart and my younger sister and I are 22 months apart, I’ll say my younger sister and I are closer than the oldest and I. I definitely see what you’re saying!

My little girls 3 months old today. Constantly saying to my partner I need another baby coz she’s growing so quick I miss tiny her and need more babies lol

@Khushbo moving in general when pregnant is A LOT lol I did it at about 3 months pregnant. I’ll give that to you 7-8 you just want to prepare for baby and relax as much as possible! Not to mention I have a dog too😅 I most definitely want to have another baby soon BUT definitely should take your advice and move first!

It's not just you lol my daughter is 9 months and I feel like this sometimes and if it was up to my husband I'd be pregnant again by now because he too wants another baby 😂♥️

@Amaris this makes me feel so much better! Lol while I pregnant I kept telling myself it’ll be a while before I’d want another baby but now that my LO is here.. a month later I’m just like I think I want to give him a sibling 😂 not to mention people keep asking when I’m going to have another baby/give baby boy a sibling 🤣

I felt the same, now at 8months PP we are trying to get pregnant again. I'm EBF with no period in sight so who knows if it will happen quickly or not ☺️

my sister and i are 3 years apart and it was typical sibling mayhem, my step sibling is two years younger and we got along a lot easier when we were growing up. although now my sister and i are super close, it’s easier to relate w my step sib.

everyone/baby/kid/everything is different, if you feel like you can do it, believe in yourself and try your best, you will make it work!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

I think I’m broken 🤣 I couldnt think of anything worse than wanting another- maybe I was overwhelmed- I’m only now thinking I might want another one day now that he’s 4 months and i still struggle daily so I wouldn’t have another for a good few years 😭

Meeeee lol 😂 I wasn’t able to wait more than a year to get pregnant again 😂😂 mi girls are 22 months apart

I’ve got 2 under 2 stressed as hell and still want another

@Natalie they’re worth it all 😭🫶🏽

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@Maria Camila I don’t blame you! But I’m glad to know there’s other people like me😂

lol it’s me too! But then when I look at my toddler I’m like nvm, terrible twos is a thing 😩😩😩.

Yes but as she gets older it becomes more of a debatable topic nonetheless we plan to start trying again when she’s 15/16 months old

i literally have had baby fever from the moment i popped my daughter out but i keep telling myself i dont want 2 under 2 & i need a bigger car. so im waiting but believe me i want another so bad!

I told my partner seconds after I had my first born “I wanna do that again” the guy nearly fainted after hearing that 🤣 we both remember L&D very differently he found it horrible and never wanted to do it again and I honestly couldn’t have wished for a more positive experience we’re due our second in Jan 25 and I’m so scared my firstborn will be just under 22months when the next one arrives🤣 I hate everything about being pregnant I just wanna do the birth again tbh we’ll be moving either just before 3rd trimester or just after birth and our first ones the spawn of satan so I’m not looking forward to that but we get these moments to test us and make us the best version of ourselves, you got this 🫶🏻

@Beth you and me both, the idea of another one sounds horrid rn😭

@Lilliana honestky idk how ppl do 2 under 2 or 3 under 3, it would kill me off 😭

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