Birth of baby girl

So I had my daughter at 9:30 on Friday morning after a 12 hour labour all in all. After a “failed sweep” on Tuesday my waters went Thursday 9pm and labour progressed from there. Couldn’t have wished for a better vbac hoping you all get the birth you want and hope for 🥰❤️.
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Congratulations 🎊

MaShaAllah congratulations 🎊

Thank you both 🥰❤️❤️

Ameen ya rab , Allahumah barik ❤️congratulations

@Rahma thank you sis 😚❤️❤️

Congratulations! Why was your sweep a failed sweep?

@Eleanor well I think it deffo worked but usually it’s said not to work if u haven’t laboured in 24 to 48 hours. At the time I thought it didn’t work!

My MWs say up to 72 hours, so sounds like a success! Anyway props to you for vbac! I know women have to fight odds to have a vbac and it’s always so inspiring! Happy for you ❤️🙌🏼

@Allie thank you! I was literally minutes away from another c section but baby girl came just in time 💗

@Selma so happy for you girl! Your so strong ❤️❤️ enjoy this baby bliss

@Allie thank you so much! 🥰🥹

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