Baby came early!

Pack your bags and get your stuff done early Just in case! Went into labor at 36 w 5days on Sunday August 11th, FTM and was at the hospital by 8:45am and delivered by 10:49am. Labor started for me around 4am and I wasn’t even sure if it was real or Braxton hicks. My daughter came so fast that I had to go all natural and couldn’t get an epidural so ladies prepare for anything and everything! My husband and I scrambled and drs were scrambling and we basically threw our birth plan out the window because nothing goes as planned lol. But I wouldn’t change it for the world and I am now a happy mommy to a beautiful healthy baby girl Mackenzie Jordan “MJ” at 5.5 and 18inches long.
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Girl I felt this. We were installing the base while I was in labor. It was a mess!!!!



Girl, I am due in August..THIS MONTH, and I don't even have my baby yet! Lol. Little jelly. But since I am so close, I love hearing new babies being born! Congratulations mamaz!!!

@Randi I'm due in 3 weeks & feel the same 😂 I get jealous!


Congratulations mama! I better go and prepare my bag! Is this your first baby?

@Saina first baby! Definitely didn’t plan for her to basically fly Out lol

@Suwilanji best advice if you go and take a walk if you think you’re having contractions and they stop then it’s not labor but if they happen every couple minutes times and it stops You in your tracks like you can’t walk and intense cramping then it’s labor.

Were you having any signs prior to? A lot of Braxton hicks beforehand?

I had Braxton hicks on an off for the month before

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