Who has left their baby overnight??

Hi everyone- my baby is about 7 months old and my partner and I are planning on leaving her with grandma for one night to celebrate our anniversary/ our birthdays. We’re really excited to spend time alone together but of course I’m freaking the F out!!!! She’s breastfed so I think that is making my anxiety worse. Who has left their baby overnight so far?? Please share success stories 😩😩😩😩
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We just left our baby with my parents- he’s just over 8 weeks and exclusively breast fed, I just gave my mom a few bags of milk that I had pumped and got updates, all was perfect, we had a great sleep and he was a happy happy boy when I went to get him in the morning!

We've done a couple of overnights now, the first was difficult but not too bad. We're actually going away for 2 nights this weekend and leaving her with my parents, hopefully that will go ok!

Yep! We’ve done it about three times now, with our 14 month old - the first time was at 6 months old. We’ve only left her with my mum, my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law but honestly, those nights were the best nights sleep I’ve had since before I was pregnant 🤣we recently left her for two nights having only done one before, which felt like a lot and I was so ready to get back to her, however she’d had such a good time! She’ll be with my mum for two nights again in a couple of weeks as we’re at a wedding and she just loves it. Our family know her routine to a tee and ensure to follow it which is super helpful. Take some time to yourself! 🥰

I’ve left my daughter with my mom overnight twice. At 7.5 months and 9.5 months. She’s done fantastic both times! Has slept the same, ate, etc. it was hard at first but letting go and knowing she’s in good hands lets you relax and enjoy yourself too!

It was my 30th when our LG was 2months. we went away for the night to a winery and left her with my mum. I was pretty emotional when we left but my mum raised 3 children and has helped all the women in my family with their little ones so I felt really comfortable leaving her. Mum was amazing and wrote a full handover of the evening when we got back. 😂 Plus it felt so nice to just be a couple after the craziness of pregnancy and a newborn ❤️

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