@Namrata right! I went to bed at like 8 and I’ve had the hardest time falling asleep lately! I got the u shaped Momcozy
@Victoria haha! Love this! I’m contemplating sleeping with it forever 😂
@Ashley Ooh! I have been using the Pregnancy bub 3 pillows set and although it helped me with round ligament pains when I transitioned from first to second trimester, I am thinking it may be time to upgrade to something else that can offer support because I keep waking up on my back and in pain. 🙈
@Namrata awe that’s the worst I’m sorry! I haven’t heard of that one but I just looked it up and I feel like maybe this one would offer more support? https://a.co/d/c4cUwOS
They truly are a boon. Which one did you go for?