@Madeleine Thankyou for your reply. At the last scan both babies were laying transverse however I can feel that they’ve moved now and I’m getting some movement very low down so I do think T1 might be head down (T2 is probably breech again as they keep switching between transverse and one up either way)😂 I’ve got a scan next week so hopefully I will at least last until then to find out what they are up to in there. Care has been really rubbish. I’ve seen the midwife twice through the whole pregnancy and spoke on the phone to the consultant 3 times (never met him). How much did your twins weight when born at 34weeks? And how much did that differ from what they were estimated on your last scan?x
@Hayley Day ah so my T1 was measuring over 20% smaller than my T2 so I was super high risk and got scanned every week. Therefore the scan 3/4 days before birth was pretty accurate. T1 was 4lb 10 and T2 was 5lb 11. Ironically it was T2 who needed to be in the NICU because she was NOT happy about being born early and needed some extra time to get her lungs sorted. We think T1 (breech) got sick of the big one sitting on her head/getting all the best nutrients and just decided to start the party early 😅 We were in 23 days total, 18 days with T1 trying to get her weight up/able to hold her temperature and 23 days with T2 getting her off oxygen. They’re both absolutely fine now but one is still much bigger than the other 🤷♀️ I know other 34 weekers that were out in a couple of days so it really is baby dependent. Really sorry your support has been so poor. On the one hand they must think you’re ok, on the other it’s not very reassuring 🤷♀️
@Madeleine Thanks. Sounds like really good weights at that stage. My T1 has been following the 50th percentile so far. None of my babies have ever been that close to that lol. Twin 2 is smaller but still following a line within range. They were estimated to be 2lb 5 and 2lb 8 at 28 weeks which apparently is pretty good. I can imagine that was a hard time with staying in and NICU. It scares me. Almost everyone I know who’s had twins had them early and at least 1 has needed a little extra help.
@Hayley Day they sound like they’re doing fab! Yes, there’s a lot of twins in the NICU but there’s also a lot of singletons. And some are only there for a few days just to give them a bit of a help. We moved to low dependency pretty quickly, it was actually a kindness that they had us in so long as they were doing their best to avoid sending her home on oxygen (and succeeded!) It was scary and tiring at the time but they’re nearly a year now and it’s a distant memory! In the end you’re just happy that they’re getting the care they need…we thought of it as the baby spa as they used to warm up the water to wipe their bums and T1 was roughing it with water wipes with us 😂
Just make sure you’re aware that you might not make that c section date. I had all this and only got to 34 weeks. I genuinely don’t know how I would have even make it to 37 and I didn’t have any other kids to look after either! Basically your body is telling you to take it easy, so listen to it. Do you have a baby particularly low down? T1 was so far down into my pelvis they really struggled to find her heart beat/scan her. She liked to tap dance on my pelvic floor 😅