That’s really unfair of them to say, and legally I don’t think they can do that. (I work in a preschool), and we have a few still in nappies, you just make sure that there’s adequate staffing when you want to go and change the child. Anyway; the more you push it, the more he won’t want to do it. Best off leaving him in a pull up and letting him do it when he’s ready. He knows what to do, which is the main thing. Is the nappy dry when he’s changed? We had one last year that didn’t want to put pants on, but as soon as he turned 4, pants on, was fine. No accidents or anything. He’ll do it when he’s ready, and not when others decide for him. - that sounds more aggressive than intended I apologise xxx
That’s really unfair of the preschool especially when he’s an August baby. My daughter literally woke one morning and said I don’t want a nappy, I want to use the potty. We had a day of accidents and by day 3, no accidents at all! She did it on her terms and I’m glad I didn’t push her. I think you should explain to preschool that you have tried everything and the more you push it, the more he will resist so you’re going to leave him for another month and see if he’s ready then. In the meantime, he might just decide himself when he is in control of the decision. X
In the same situation with my daughter and pre school haven't even mentioned it. I don't think legally they can say that.
Have you tried getting a little seat for the toilet? We got a paw patrol one from home bargains for a couple of quid. Maybe that might click more, we found a mix of that and the potty worked for us, and going straight to pants and not turning back apart from to sleep at night, no matter how many accidents xx
I’m on the same boat, my son is also 3 and not potty trained yet 🥺 also looking for some advice