I was due yesterday...I hurt a lot and feel nauseous, but no sign of lo coming.
Due tomorrow and get myself excited at any little sign but never turns into anything 😭 so ready for baby to come, may be growing slightly impatient 😅🖤
@Chloe it’s so ridiculous, I have felt so much pain that I think this is it, but nothing ever comes out of it. I wonder if I’ll even know I’m in labour 😂😂
Please tell me how you’re staying positive and patient 🙏🏻 it’s my due date too, so happy due date to us! I had a bit of a breakdown yesterday tbh as I was just so not feeling great, been having daily headaches and BP is higher but not reaching 140 on the upper yet (my typical pre-pregnancy is 100) and the leg was cramping even though I took magnesium and did stretches and walks etc that typically help 🥴 gonna go for second membrane sweep with the hopes it helps
Due date tomorrow as well - no signs really apart from what I think was contractions a few nights ago for a few hours.
Due tomorrow, in the same boat haha! Good luck mumma! 🩷🫶