I want to give you a hug ❤️ I was also struggling with depression when my kids were that age and it was such a tough time. Get yourself some help, both mentally as well as with the kids, that is my best advice. It is tough reaching out and figuring out a way to find that help, but it'll be even tougher without. One thing that was a big saver for me at that time, was that my husband and I established a "mummy day" "daddy day" system, which basically meant on 2 evenings per week he took over the kids, on 2 evenings per week I took them over alone. On the other ones we shared the duties of bedtime, having two evenings off was really great and I tried to make sure that one of these days was not just for laying in bed and enjoying having nothing to do, but doing an activity, either a date with myself to do something nice, or go and meet with other people. I think having a co parent who does his part is super vital, especially with twins. I wish you all the best throughout this crazy time!
Not going to lie, it’s hard going. Can you get extra support to get you through? The most important thing they need is a happy mother, do what you need to support yourself and ask for help where you can. As for potty training, I follow mine’s lead, they got really excited to wear pants and once they had decided that was pretty much it as they are very determined. Bedtime is hit and miss. If they don’t nap, they go in a flash but if they do (which they still need most days), it’s a much longer affair and more often than not, I fall asleep with them 🫠 Hang in there, everything is a phase and it will pass, lots of love x