@Laura I think it’s likely that we just literally never put the time aside to teach him, so it’s kind of my bad lol. I don’t think he has any delays or anything. He’s been followed since birth for all his development and so far he’s completely age appropriate. I think we just have to be more conscious and consistent in showing him. He loves learning so I’m hoping for the best!
Our doctor suggested to let him “struggle” that way he will eventually learn. Why does your daycare provider think j your LO is delayed? How’s his speech?
@Laura his speech at home is fine. He’s quiet at her place but I think it’s just because he’s shy. I was that was when I was young also. I found out this morning it was just something she was keeping an eye on because he starts school next year.
My son just turned 3 and can’t put on his own shoes, difficulties using utensils ect. He was just diagnosed with global developmental delay. We have fun at meal times. I’ll exaggerate poking my food with a fork and ask him to copy me. When he starts to use his hands, I’ll keep reminding him and placing the fork in his hands. I’ll sometimes pre-load the fork or spoon and have him practice placing into his mouth. Message me if you want to chat more :)