Footless sleep suits with socks is our go to xx
@M.E how do you keep socks on? My LO constantly kicks them off!
I have lindex sleepsuits without feet and they are easy to fold up if you need, they come in beautiful prints too ❤️
Asda George is my absolute go to for sleep suits. I have long babies!
I have this too, so frustrating lol. I've had some from Next that fit better, but then others from Next don't! I've also had Tesco ones that get tight quickly, but then my fave grow from the Peter Rabbit range at Tesco fits really well! Once I've used the sleepsuits I already have I'm switching to footless ones and pjs, as they'll just last longer and be more comfortable x
Nutmeg at Morrisons come up smaller I’ve found, so perhaps those in 6-9?
H&M carries different sizing and does a 4-6 months which is a good in between 👍
Agree that Asda George have long sleep suits! So deffo give them a try xx
Boots 3-6 month have been way bigger for us that all the other 3-6 x
My boy is exactly the same - I found Asda and Tesco had the longest legs for sleep suits!