Already in labour !! My due date is the 12th of November but baby girl is wanting to come early !
Oh my goodness! Go Mumma! You’ve got this ♥️
Feeling very calm at the moment, Just gotta keep going 🩷🤞
All the best Maddison! You’ve got this mama.
I was incredibly calm yesterday but slightly panicky right now. It always feels very surreal that someone is about to hand me a baby. 😬 This is #4 and I'm still not used to it 🤣 Have my planned c today
38 weeks in 2 days, swelling and ng started yesterday and I'm pretty sure I lost my mucus plug this morning feeling pretty scared but excited!!!
Yeah, good. So exhausted! I am finding each week I am getting more exhausted! I have just signed my date in for my c section on the 12. Now focusing on getting myself in a good mental space with that. 😳
38 weeks on Friday! I’m super excited to meet her and see her face. My heartburn is horrible in the evenings but other than that I’ve not experienced any back ache or major unconsciousness. Xx