Help please🙏😭

Alternative mummies- help please😭 So before getting pregnant/giving birth I was so confident to be my alt self and I knew how to dress myself My LG is now nearly 15 months old and I have absolutely no clue how to dress myself anymore- I bumped into an old friend that I haven't seen for a while and she said that I actually look like a mum now and that I seem to have calmed down with how I look I miss how I used to look/dress so much, I just don't know how to get myself back, especially with how my body is looking these days- I've gained so much weight, gone from a size 14 to a size 22 (I'm working on getting back down) and my belly hangs down so much now, I hate wearing shorter shirts and I'm more favouring baggy shirts/jumper's all of the time Any help/advice with this would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much❤️ Picture is from about 2-3 years ago😭
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Hey mumma, I think the trick is, have a look on disturbia, killstar, and other alt clothing websites, find stuff that makes you feel comfortable, buy different items & try them out on yourself and see what works for you. Go baggy, add a belt 🥹 Try & pop some eyeliner on & see how you feel. My whole body has changed too and idk how to be the "old me" especially because my partner's family are VERY religious 🫠 and I'm really not. They call me the "punk rocker" and I've not had coloured hair for a few years. Although I have a fair few piercings and tattoos. I actually broke my lip ring when pregnant, and haven't had a new tattoo in ages, I decided that, end of this month, I'm going to get 2 new tats and get my lip ring back before it closes up 😅 hoping from that, everything else will follow.

@Star I can't afford the big websites, even before my baba, I was always a charity shop girl for my clothes/the occasional treat from Afflecks Palace😂 I'm not allowed my piercings because of work, I used to have my septum done, but I did dye my hair red and green the other week and it's making me feel more like myself already😂 when I've saved a bit of money I'm planning to get rid of all of my clothes and start again with it all😂😂

@Faith honestly, I can't afford those sites except the occasional treat but I use them as inspo 😅 Vinted might be a shout though?

I think I'm late, but I agree with Star. Find things that make you feel good. I went through a CAROUSEL of aesthetics before my kid even turned 3 lol don't be afraid to experiment and accessorize. Right now, it sounds like you're in like a buffer stage. You want to be yourself but motherhood has a way of making us all feel a bit lost. Lean into what you already know you like and add a splash of old you in there. You only like baggy shirts? Cool! Throw on a belt just above your fupa and a pair of jeans or leggings. Or keep it even easier and just toss on those old boots you havent worn in awhile. I'm very into fashion so please feel free to hmu if you want help!! 🥰🫶

(Also I want to clarify after just re-reading my comment, I wasn't trying to assume ANYTHING about your body. I just figured the fupa is most of our struggle with fashion and things post pregnancy. So if my comment was taken any other way, I'm so sorry 🫠)

@Killian no worries, I've got a proper apron belly so I'm mainly wearing baggy jumpers at the moment😂

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