If he’s just gonna guilt trip you, tell him it’s over and block him lol if he does some other weird things to reach you beyond that then take the proper precautions but there’s no point in hearing him out if you are done with him. There’s nothing to talk about at that point. Cut and dry.
You found out after a year he was living with his child's mother? Also it sounds like you feelings towards him changed once you found this out. You didn't see all these negative aspects about him within the first few months?
Girl run! All I see is 🚩
You really don’t even deserve to give him an explanation at this point
You’re just wasting time with him. And he sounds like he is emotionally manipulating you. Trust me I have went through the same thing and now I regret it. Not your job to build up anyone else’s confidence. And when you become a police officer he is going to see you as competition and not as a partner. It’s really draining.