I had one for my little girl 5 weeks ago. They call you when they aren’t busy in the birthing suit and it’s typically about 30-60 mins notice. They called me around 6pm on a Tuesday but they were quite busy that day so hopefully you won’t have to wait all day! I ended up calling them twice because I thought they forgot about me lol I was getting anxious haha I wasn’t dilated at all so I started with Cervidil then told to go home for 12 hours (I went back earlier because I was having regular contractions), then given the foley balloon and told to go home and come back when it fell out or after 12 hours. After that, I was dilated enough to be admitted and my water was broken after that.
I had my son there in June and had to be induced. Be prepared to wait, I had a scheduled induction and I think we had to wait 8 hrs or so.. there were quite a few emergency c sections when I was there and had to be prioritized over my induction. Wishing you all the best!