Marijuana and same @Yoki I have endometriosis and idk if the pains coming from the sch or the endo but It puts me off eating and anything I do manage comes back up and I really struggle falling asleep with it
@Andrea Kaye🧲🦄💎🧬💫⚛️ lol a bleed in the womb, it’s common and it usually resolves itself but mine isn’t doing that mine is growing
Yes, I also had a subchorionic hematoma at 12 weeks. I woke up bleeding like hell and thought I was having a miscarriage. I was rushed to the hospital and told baby was fine and that I had subchorionic hemorrhage which I'd also never heard of, up until then. Need less to say, I stopped smoking for awhile. I was referred to a high risk doctor who monitored it in between check ups with my OB and by 20 weeks it was gone completely.
I stopped pretty early on honestly. Baby was planned so I cut back on the smoking and then by the time I found out I was pregnant I kinda just stopped all together like I didn’t feel right doing it (not judging those who do though) it being my 1st child I just wanted to make sure they were as healthy as possible
@Fay this is my second child I did this with my first but it’s more because of the issues I’m having and the pain that I’m in right now it’s really bad and smoking is how I deal with the pain so I’m struggling to stop this time
My first daughter I didn’t smoke at all and I had a subchorionic hematoma. I was 9 weeks and had some cramping and I went to the er and they did an ultrasound and said I had a subchorionic hematoma and then when I was 11 weeks I wiped and there was some blood and I went to the er and they did an ultrasound and said baby was fine and it was probably just the hematoma emptying
It took me a while to stop. I felt like I couldn’t live eat or sleep without it while pregnant