I’m 38 weeks pregnant this Thursday. I’m over it too . But very glad my baby is weighing 6 pounds & 1 ounce . Makes the thought of labor less scary in a way . This will be 1st baby . My advice just think about having a cute baby that loves you after . I mean pregancy isn’t easy . But a cute baby that loves us unconditionally comes out of it ❤️
Yeah I was fine until I hit 40 weeks and then I was a fed up grump until she came a week later 😅
Honestly I was fed up with being pregnant at like 20 something weeks. I think it’s a normal feeling and it’s tiring being pregnant. Try to distract yourself and do stuff like catch up on shows or hobbies. And the baby will come out soon. Like I was so fed up being pregnant and then i was already admitted to labor and then pushing her out.
Maybe think about what you wanna do before the baby is here. Because when the baby is here you won’t have much free time
Even something small like eating at your favorite restaurant
Me!! I had my boy at 41 weeks & man was I soooo ready for him to come. My birth was hard on me, and I just kept begging my husband to make it stop & that I didn't want to do it lol I'm 35 weeks now with our girl, and I'm also very over this pregnancy already. And a part of me really does not want to go through labor again. But once it's done, it's done. Also, though, the first 2 weeks of my sons life is probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. So I know your miserable right now but once your holding your baby that tends to melt away.