Not currently trying again yet, but you're not alone! It took us 5 years to conceive our first but very surprisingly only 2 months to conceive our second. All that time waiting before our first was very hard, it's hard trying to not let it get you down but don't give up hope!
Yes 🥺
Yes 😩
Hi! We were told we couldn’t conceive naturally due to numerous fertility issues. After 4.5 years of trying and adopting our little girl we fell pregnant with our miracle baby! We’re due next momth 🥰 stay positive, we’re living proof that science can’t explain everything ❤️
Yes! On month 4 of trying and no luck. We fell pregnant first time with our first. Trying to replicate the same things we did last time don’t seem to work this time.
Also trying and finding it hard, although my daughter is an IVF baby so it’s not a surprise. It’s really hard trying for a baby and it not happening. For me, the best thing was always just to let the emotions out, try not to analyse them too much and keep busy with things I enjoy. Did it take a while to get pregnant with your Jan 23 baby? Xx