The depo shot
I am nearly 7 months post partum and I am still bleeding. It’s not light but it’s not heavy. I feel like I do get periods still, because every now and then my bleeding changes to even heavier for a couple days and I feel like absolute shit with cramps and nausea.
I had a transvaginal ultrasound at around 12 weeks pp and it came back clear, so the doctors put it down to the depo. So I decided to stop taking it. My last shot was due nearly a month ago now but the bleeding hasn’t stopped or even got lighter. I am just wondering if anybody else has experienced prolonged bleeding like this whether on the depo or another form of contraception? Does it eventually stop or is it time I go to the doctor again?
I’d probably go back to the doctor ( also side note the depo shot has a law suit right now I guess it’s causing brain tumors in females) not tryna scare you just letting you know🩷