Both I spoon feed my lo but every now and then she grabs it and either pops it in her mouth or waves the fucking food off the spoon the eats said spoon 😂🙄
My little boy will only allow you to spoon feed him if you clap straight after and wait for him to clap back. It’s one of the more infuriating things but definitely better than cement weetabix covering everything after he feeds himself
I spoon feed my boy porridge for breakfast and he accepts it well. Works for us as don't have a lot of time in mornings so just easier all round. At lunchtime he will feed himself and same with any snacks later on during the day.
I load up a spoon similar to the num num and my son self feeds using that. Highly recommend!
Thanks mums for the suggestions. My LO can hold a spoon but even if I load it it usually ends up on the floor she'd rather put the other end in her mouth(!) I've tried loading, singing, mimicking but she refuses to put the food in her mouth for more than 2/3 spoonfuls. The only thing I've found works is if I give her something like fruit or toast/bagel and she may decide to dip that in the porridge and try it that way. Just wanted to know if anyone else's kids refuse to be fed like more watery /liquid consistency foods. Will keep trying.
I feed her, if I preload it only ends up on the floor as she puts the ball in her mouth
@Ashleigh that made me lol. Mine is the same. She will usually let me do a few spoonfuls and once she’s had enough she will start grabbing spoon and 70-80% of the time fling food off it around the room. She even gets it over her head sometimes and on the floor behind her.
Mine won't be fed either. I got the num num spoons, I load it up and give it to him and he feeds himself...usually porridge for breakfast but sometimes yoghurt. You could try letting her playing with the spoons first, they naturally want to bring to mouth so that could be practice time. Not ready to let him rip with the bowl would be carnage.