I have had since about week 19/20. A few dinners I literally eat a few mouthfuls then end up eating a yogurt! Evening meals are my worst for not been able to eat it.
@Annie I’m glad it’s not just me lol
@Jay-Louise do you feel like your taste buds are completly off
@Nicole completely and if i am not 100% enjoying the thing i am eating i can't finish the portion regardless of how small as it will just come back up! I have always been a bit funny about textures of foods, but I am 10x worse now
I've really gone off carbs and am just desperate for the other food groups, especially meat 😂
Yep, chicken definitely and everything else I'm just not keen on. If I don't eat I'm sick 😢 if I do eat I can't eat full portions. Don't know what to do. Might have meal replacements in between
Me!! Aversions and not much appetite… need to eat but cant make up my mind what i want /feel like.