How is dad planning to deal with the anger? How do you want it dealt with? Hormones will play a huge part BUT absolutely not ok how she reacted and I’d be wondering what had happened previously to impact her mood! I don’t think banning her after a one off incident is the right thing to do and especially not if she’s struggling as she needs support not abandoning
I think that you both need to sit down with her and explain what is acceptable in your home and other ways she can manage her frustrations. I do not think her contact should be removed. If I had hit my parents when I were younger (I didn’t but if I did) they wouldn’t have made me homeless… but there definitely would have been firm boundaries put in place. Good luck x
You both need to sit her down with her mum too and explain that is not acceptable and she needs to respect your rules/boundaries at your house. Maybe try again with her coming and see what she is like
Yes, stop her from coming. If she’s like that with your husband god knows what she’d be like with your son and possibly hurt him to the point you have social services all over you