I don’t have pcos so I can’t speak on that side of things but have had few ovarian cysts ( all functional). I’m not sure what kind of cyst you have as there are different kinds but with my cysts I still ovulated so I would recommend still using protection! In fact when I went in for my ultrasound to confirm I was pregnant I had a cyst which they said was normal/common at the beginning of pregnancy. Each cyst is different, it depends on size, the persons body and if it ruptures or not. So it’s hard to say how long it will be there. There is surgery to remove them however, I don’t believe this is an option unless it reaches a certain size or it’s causing internal bleeding. My ob did speak to me about taking the pill back when I had my first cyst and said it does help prevent them as it stops ovulation from occurring!
@Tiffany so I don't remember the name she said but it's like made of the dead skin cells from my cervix. And like old mucous stuff, all pearled up and preventing ovulation. I'm just curious if anyone knows how long it stays like that.
@Bethany I don’t think that would be a functional cyst but I’m not sure. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. I would call your ob and ask to speak to a nurse or someone to help answer your questions. The least they could do is tell you the name of it so you can look up information regarding it!
I would recommend fenugreek 🤍