My Braxton hicks with this one (2nd baby) are so much more intense than the 1st! Mine is also locked and loaded ready and waiting. I believe it's very normal. I guess our bodies have done it before so it's muscle memory in a way too
Thanks ladies, glad to know it's not just me
Hey ladies, i didn’t have any first pregnancy. possibly experiencing them now with second. I’m unsure if it’s early labour signs or braxton hicks. Did you experiencing cramping with the contractions or just tightness? I am currently in hospital but it’s all very unknown right now. Would love to hear experiences with BH! I am 34 weeks tomorrow so baby could be making early appearance. I thought labour second time round would be clearer than the first! Turns out… not so much! ❤️
Hi all, I’m currently tracking my Braxton hicks as they are so painful and frequent and a bit nervous it’s early labour and I’m nearly at 35 weeks. I definitely didn’t get them like this with my first… but this is painful I’ve had to take paracetamol. Hoping it’ll pass soon 🤞🏼
I think it's very normal to have increased, more intense BH with a second baby. I didn't experience it with my first, but have been doing for a while now this time. 😊