No respect

I feel like my inlaws don't respect me. I went through hell bringing my baby into the world and almost died due to malpractice bleeding out 3x my total volume. And now I have bad ppd and ppa. Anytime I start telling my story to them they hardly listen and they change the topic. They are topically positive, in my opinion. Sometimes negative things meed to be discussed. I feel like they really don't care mich about what I went through and they just want to hog my baby. They are from another state across the country so I get they want to soak up baby time. But when she cries instead of bringing her to me they try to fix her up themselves and tell me "she's fine ". She isn't fine. That's her hunger cry...or her diaper cry...or her tired cry. So when I tell them gently, she needs a new diaper they don't belive me and continue singing to her and walking her up and down the halls. I corrected them when they fell asleep with her on the couch and when they tried holding her up high on a bar chair and I said please don't do that it could end badly and it gives me anxiety. They say she's fine. I'm like no please listen. Finally I cried to my hubby and he finally listened. I was seperate from my baby for a few days in the hospital while I was dying and then for weeks after I needed a lot of help with caring for her. So now that I can be the mom I want my baby to know I'm the mom and I don't want others trying to replace me. For instance when she fussed they wanted me to get them a bottle so they could feed her...but I said no I'm trying to only nurse her and use bottles for if I have to leave for an appointment or if I need a nap. For the most part she never gets bottles. They acted like that's rediculous. But it's really hard to breast deed and latch her right now. She's 3 months and has regressed back to nipple shields which are a pain in the ass. I just want one thing to be natural and promote bonding so I'm really serious about breast feeding her. It's going well till others try to tell me what to do. I was putting her in her carseat and FIL would not stop trying to help buckle after I said repeatedly that I got it. Like when I'm caring for my baby as the mom, keep away and let me be. I don't need advice or help if I'm not asking for it. I am very maternal and have been a nurse for over 8 years with lots of peds and neo experience, plus I grew up baby sitting human babies and had a farm full of baby animals that I took care of and bottle fed PLUS I read a bunch of baby books throughout pregnancy. I do well with her and I don't need outdated advice. They used to keep my husband in a seperate room so he could cry and they could sleep AS A NEWBORN!
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I got triggered while reading this. I’ve been through similar stuff, my baby is 18m now. But at that age I went through the same and I slowly started taking him out of anyone’s hands esp when he cried. I stopped caring completely how they would feel. Cause I realised they didn’t give a shit about how I felt. Secondly, yes about feeding. Again similar experience. Mil insisted she wanted to feed him I told her no I will BF as long as I want to. Beginning latches were difficult, I kept at it and pumped at times too so hubby could feed. But ofc I was comfortable with that. But it’s been EBF for a long time now. And I couldn’t have it any other way. Try nipple cream as well hun. And be firm with them, they will eventually learn to let u be. Even now my mil panics when he’s in toddler tower with me in kitchen. They would rather him be with them n I cook lol. But I do what I want. I got to a stage where I just stopped giving a shit tbh. Hubby needs to slowly give them signs too!

@Mimi I just don't get the audacity to continue w something when the mom says no. Like am I just a baby making vessel? I've heard mil call my daughter her baby b4 and even though I told her that sickens me, she still does it. My hubby is like oh she doesn't mean anything by it. They do give me back my babybut it just feels like it's w reluctance. Hubby says it's all in my head. I'm glad he at least had a convo w them about my anxiety and told them to listen to me when I ask for her back. Sometimes I wonder how devastated they would really be had I died during her birth.

Yeah same, mine calls him ‘my son, my baby’ so much and I hate it. I don’t see why they need to say it 😭 my FIL isn’t bad tbh. I think our husbands can’t see any wrong in what their mums/families do. And I don’t know why

Ofc they can love our kids but they’ll never take a mums place. But they defo try to lol

May allah help you its not easy but do your best with your kid and follow your guts with your baby they will never be good and let you be and time go fast but rules and keep repeating them

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