7.30 bottle before sons school run 9.30 breakfast 1ish lunch 6pm dinner I offer 2 snacks also Some days she's sleep thru lunch and its late or wont eat brekki ect it doesnt always go like that. She's also launch half her dinner then i'm sat there with anxiety momitoring every mouthful
Unless she asks I’ve stopped bf during the day so it’s similar to this most days 6.30ish wake bf 7 breakfast 9.30 nap 11.30 lunch 1pm nap 3pm snack 5pm dinner 7pm bf & bed If she needs it she will have a small snack in the morning but that moves about xx
0730 Breakfast with cows milk 0930 Snack 1030 Nap 1330 Lunch 1500 Snack 1700 Dinner 1900 Bedtime Bottle then sleep :)