My baby flipped when we used exercises. Sounds like you might already be doing this or something similar. My midwife told me not to be concerned about it yet. There still plenty of time to change. ( we’re only 32 weeks, so he could flip back)
@Delainey I was looking at their stuff too! Yeah I’m doing similar things but great ideas there!
@Melanie that’s what my ob said too but I’m a worrier haha
@Adrian sounds like you’re super on to of it and doing what you can!!! Good job! Hopefully you can take comfort in knowing you’re doing everything you can! If it’s possible some doctors are willing to deliver certain types toes of breech presentations vaginally. Maybe see if there’s one that is available at the hospital you’re going to?
I find out tomorrow at my 32 week scan. My OB thinks she’s breech.
I’m 34werks and my baby is still breeched!! I feel you!! I have been doing all the yoga, stretches, spinning babies, and chiropractor. Nothing has worked for me yet. I’m still hoping bc I also want a vaginal birth. Sending you all the good luck to get your baby to flip!!
@Jyl you too!! Hopefully it all works for us!!!
@iris oh no! I hope you don’t join this club!
My baby is breech at 34 weeks and I'm really really hoping she turns on her own. I don't like the sound of any of the other options
Do not be worried about the baby breech right now as the baby can still flip. At 33 weeks 3days my son was delivered footling breech but 16 hours before his delivery he was head down