“Counter” parenting & issues 🤦🏼‍♀️

When it comes to my situation with my 8 year old daughter and trying to “coparent” with her father, it’s nearly impossible and always so stressful. We currently have a court order for parenting time where they gave him 3 days a week M,W,F after school visits (extremely vague) for 2 1/2 hours each visit, but somehow we agreed for the visits to happen from 5:00-7:30pm because he claims he doesn’t get out of work until 4:00/4:30pm and also my daughter starts her nightly routine for school nights around 7:30pm to be in bed at 9:00pm. It’s also in the order his gf is not to be around for ANY parenting time due to safety concerns (drugs, alcohol, child neglect and abuse in the past, unconscious and drunk with her kids, current child abuse cases, etc) he’s not allowed to have any alcohol or drugs (including weed) around our daughter during his parenting time, and we also agreed to be dropping her off at visits and him dropping her back off at home due to me not having a vehicle after 6:00pm and being pregnant. Recently he’s had a violation for sneaking his gf around to a visit, also he’s had another violation of threatening to keep her out past the end time for the visit and didn’t bring her home until after 8:00pm because we got other papers in the mail for a different parenting time recommendation, and as of 2 days ago my daughter walked through the door smelling like nothing but weed. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It was so strong it gave me a headache and made me nauseous when she walked through the door. She told me that although he was not smoking on his way to drop her off, she seen a cup in his cupholder next to the driver seat with weed in it, just sitting in there completely out in the open. And i am livid about it because of him for 1 violating the order again and having that in front of my daughter, 2 for what could have happened if he was pulled over with her in the car with that out like that, and the fact he just doesn’t care. Could use any advice on how to handle this because the courts have barely taken this serious and are recommending unsupervised visits with him and overnights within the next few months. But i have been telling them about these issues for YEARS NOW! 🥺🤦🏼‍♀️😤
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Document, document, document everything, on a calendar and in a notebook. Bring it up to the judge when the renegotiation is due for his unsupervised visits.

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