@Lorraine oh good, he’s been head down for weeks but the pressure today is no joke compared to nothing yesterday! So ready now! X
They can, mines doing this at the mo… the fairy daggers are a real issue 🤣🤣 just wish it would go in and stay in! Also experience loads of pressure at times, sometimes can hardly walk up the stairs because of it. Just a couple of days ahead of you, 36+4…. The joys ey
Hehehe you and me both!! Yesterday I was struggling walking and I had scan and consultant yesterday too even standing to cook dinner is a struggle now. Xx
@Lorraine with you there too 😂 even sitting can be uncomfortable, feels like I’m squashing it’s head
Hahaha yes driving now I look like I’m some young person having my seat tilted back just to make room lol and the exhaustion with a toddler who doesn’t like the idea of sleeping in 😩 xxx
My midwife said yesterday I was 3/5 engaged and this is my second baby and it’s very unlikely she’ll bob back out? She was 4/5 last appointment as well so I think it may depend but I have no idea
Yup babies can move higher and lower into your pelvis as they start to get ready. I’m 36+2 also and baby has been head down for weeks but u have some days with no pain and pressure and some days it’s unbearable this is my 5th baby too xx