I was told I would be offered them from 38 weeks and they did ask me at my last midwife appointment on Friday but have declined so far (38+1 today) x
40 weeks tomorrow and will be requesting one. Last week they said they'd offer at 40+3 weeks but I've seen so many people on here have them earlier
Some trusts can do them routinely from 38w. I had one at 37+5 due to being pushed for induction but I wanted to try a few sweeps first. it did fail though she couldn’t reach as it was abit too soon x
@Amanda yeah ive just been offered one on my due date! I thought it would be a bit earlier x
40 weeks Had 3 and none worked
Getting mine on Monday - I’ll be 38 weeks x
@Georgina omg i just want one now! Im 39 weeks and 1 day xx
My trust do them from your due date with your first child and 39 with second
Depending on trust, policy tends to be primip offered one at 39/40 weeks and multip 38/39 weeks.
Was offered one today 39+3. I'll wait a bit see how we go :)
Looking to request at my 38 week appointment next week as I’m struggling with Sciatic nerve pain 🥹
@Tencey ive been really struggling with sciatica as well, my midwife isnt bothered at all. Hoping your midwife is better xx
@Steph I was referred for physio, as I also did have lower back surgery 2 years ago, so my midwife did see lumbar issues coming as the weeks went by, and they were helpful as they provided massages and exercises to follow. But both midwife and physio did tell me it’s only going to get worse and will get better once I’ve given birth and to just do what I can. I just know from the moment I place weight on my right leg I have about 7 minutes until I’m in unbearable pain and have to lay down again 🥴
@Steph I get induced at 39 weeks due to my baby being an absolute menace 😂x
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I have one provisionally booked for 40+6, I wanted to wait till 41 weeks to see if my body will spontaneously labour. My midwife was happy with that as I don’t want a medicated induction. They are doing it along side a physio doing reflexology as well… so if I make it that long, I’ll take the massage lol 😅 currently 39 weeks tomorrow. Still no sign of movement.
Did Miles Circuit that was recommended by couple midwives to get baby in right position and deeper. This helped with some pelvic pain I had and plenty of women swear this actually helped them deliver before induction. Will see if works for me 😁
@Steph just to update you, I saw my midwife this week and she actually sent me to book an induction. Mind you I did hobble in sweating from the pain from walking from the cab to the building. And she also suffers with nerve pain but higher up in her back so was I feel in my leg she feels in her arm. She actually thought I was in labour. 🥲 So induction has been booked for 39 weeks on the dot.
@Tencey i hope everything goes well for you! Xx
I had one last week at 39 weeks and 4 days! I did ask though at my midwife apt as getting a bit fed up of waiting!