Also, message me and I’ll give you my cell. You can call me even just to have someone with you in silence.
Hi! Totally normal to feel like this. I was feeling the same way. I'll tell you that Sertraline saved me. Still does 50mg a day and I'll never go off of it. I can still feel my feelings. I don't feel numb at all. Just the edges aren't so edgy if that makes sense. Honestly I'm sad I didn't go on it sooner and continued suffering. No side effects at all either! I was apprehensive too but if I were you I'd just try it. If you hate it you can always go off.
Praying and talking to God helps me ! I’m 8weeks postpartum and I felt the same way a few weeks ago , my doctor also prescribed me medicine but I was scared to take it and so I started to pray more , listen to worship music , it definitely made me so much happier , and less stressed
Hey girl! I taker sertaline! I did HORRIBLE post partum issues. High blood pressure / insane anxiety. I was terrified to be alone with my kids! It was really dark times. The sertraline changed my life! At first my doctor prescribed me 200 mg. It made me SICK very very sick. Turns out I needed a WAY lower dose, started with 12 mg and now I’m up to 25mg! Also, praying. Talk to god and ask him for advice and help to deal with these big feelings I promise you it changed my whole mindset. Trust me when I say I know exactly exactly what you’re going through and you can text me, call me, or come over ANYTIME!!
Awee I love that u are trying to go through ur emotions and feel them and be present for ur baby without meds U sound like an amazing mom and person already How old is ur LO? I started to feel better around 9 months she was sleeping more . By 15 months she slept through the night about 5x per week. Sleep plays a biggggg role on ur mood. Food too. I was thinking there was something wrong with me I was always sad and anxious but I realized it was 99% external issues that were affecting me.. not much internal External issues: bills, in laws, my husbands temper , chores, cooking, missing family friends, events , other responsibilities etc I realized there was nothing wrong with me , I was just letting outside sources affect me too much. I deep down all I wanted to be was happy and present for my baby. And so I started to say fuck you to the outside issues and chose to be happy and present. It’s a mental practice. U have to practice happiness and peace in ur mind.
Look within and u will realize why a lot of things affect u. For example. I was being affected by my in laws and I started to dislike them but then I looked within and realized I had no boundaries and it was my fault they were walking all over me. There’s a lesson to be learned in every problem in life.. and if u don’t find a lesson to learn from then u will just have a problem and nothing will come out of it. And ull run into the same problem until u look within and see what u are lacking that are causing u to have these problems
I understand this soooo much I'm not gonna lie i can't give you advice because I'm going through the same thing on top of the hormones from brith control. Just keep your head up girl baby boy needs you!!
Hey! I think it’s normal to feel burnt out and anxious! You are not abnormal. Is there anyone who can take the baby for a night to give you a break? Or maybe daycare drop in for just one day for you to rest? As for sertraline, I’ve taken it before and honestly it was a low side effect and pretty good medication for me. I o buoyant don’t know the effects it would have on you, but it may be worth trying!