This link also has some useful questions but the above is what I asked mine particularly.
They should cover the vast majority of things without you having to ask, but some things which are useful to know - Do they have a specific homebirth team or will it be community/ward midwives on call? Do the hospital offer pool hire or do you need to arrange that (if you want one)? How often are there homebirths that they been unable to staff/ are homebirth services ever suspended? How long is the average wait if an ambulance transfer to hospital is required?
Are there any induction methods that you are comfortable using (stretch and sweep, foley bulb, castor oil, black and blue cohosh, breaking waters) and when might you suggest them? How often do you transfer care for postdates induction? What is the most common reason that your clients transfer to the hospital? What is your transfer rate? What is your relationship with area hospitals? What do you consider “high-risk”? Under what conditions would you absolutely transfer care? To what gestation are you comfortable waiting? What is your standard protocol for clients going over 40 weeks?