Amount of milk

How old is your baby, what did they weigh at birth and how much milk are they having per feed?
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6 weeks old but born at 37 weeks section. At the moment struggling with reflux so takes different amounts every feed, sometimes as little as 1 oz. Average between 2-4 oz where 4 is the most he's ever taken.

8 weeks tomorrow, weight at birth 2.91 kg (6.4 lbs) having 3-4 oz every 2/3 hours during the day sometimes drinks 6oz before bed.

7 weeks today, was born 8lb 11oz. He has between 3-4oz of expressed breast milk or if we give formula then he usually has 4oz sometimes 5oz. Normally every 3/4hrs. Just to add I was stressing for ages that we were over feeding him, we always pace feed and make sure they're hunger cues and that he's not just tired.. but the health visitors that have weighed him have all been really happy with him and have no concerns. I think all babies are just very different ☺️

Forgot to say born weight 3.740 kg

My little boy was 3850g (just shy of 8.8lbs) and is 8 weeks. He is predominantly breastfed but if he has a bottle he will do between 4 and 5oz and I just wanted to check that this was normal but sounds like it is fine. Thank you girlies x

8 weeks old haven’t weighed recently, born at 38+5 at 8lbs 1 oz. Had jaundice and took 2 weeks to get back to birth weight lost 6 oz. At 6 weeks was 10lbs 4 oz. Takes 5 oz every 4 hours and 6 oz at bedtime as he doesn’t feed overnight. A total of 26 oz. Occasionally will have up to 28 oz. We are bottle fed.

My little boy is 7 weeks old today, born 36+5, birth weight of 7lb 7oz drinking 6oz every 2 hours x

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