@Tabitha I was fine drinking it, about 30 minutes after I went really light headed and passed out for probably about 10 seconds. I then thought I was going to vomit but it passed. Everyone else seemed fine with theirs, so I’m not sure why I’ve had this response. I’m worried it’s a sign of diabetes
My friend passed out too
Yeh it was nasty. I’ve felt that in my previous 2 though and never had gd
@Sorayh thank you. This is really reassuring ❤️
This is one of the reasons I refused my Glucose test. Never had it in my first pregnancy and not having it with this one.
This happened to me and I didn’t have GD. Think it’s a combination of having to fast and then the drink being so sugary x
Oh yes, I had a terrible reaction to mine and it came out negative. So I think it's very normal to feel faint and vomit, especially because you are meant to not eat for a while and while pregnant that's difficult
If you read on the official gov uk website, the national screening committee does not even recommend having screening for gestational diabetes as they don't believe the risks outweigh the benefits.
I got really dizzy/lightheaded on my drive to work after my test, had to pull over. Had a slight headache the rest of the day and needed to take an hour nap at work!
It's normal to want to gag but sometimes baby just doesn't like all that sugar, if you do vomit they make you take it again another day , I suggest drink plenty of water before hand and plenty of water after drinking it