We do this pretty much every meal time, don’t particularly like it but, she will eat. And like you, if she doesn’t eat she won’t sleep. Some kids just have realllllyyy low motivation to eat. I’m hoping it’s something she’ll grow out of, it’ll be easier to correct it when we can communicate, and replace the tv with other activities such as colouring, talking about our day, telling stories etc.. you’re not alone! I wouldn’t worry
I do this with my boy, tbh before I even had a baby I would sit and watch telly whilst eating or have it on in the background so I really don’t mind it. I don’t have it on 90% of the day, so to have it on just for meals I really don’t think it’s that bad! And like everyone else has said, I would rather my boy eat and know he’s full than him not eat and be extra hangry 😂😂
This is the only way my wee one will eat. I'd rather do what I need to do to make sure she's getting nutrients she needs. I find it too stressful worrying about if she's hungry etc otherwise. 10 minutes of a peppa pig trance where i shovel food in without her noticing is my preference over dealing with a hangry toddler!
I think what he’s watching is more important than having something on. Low stimulation, calming things like nature and birds I think are good. However, never any of the high stimulation stuff (cocoa melon etc)
We do this sometimes, it helps my girl eat more and I’d rather she watched Tv for 20 minutes and ate her food than didn’t eat anything x