There’s a stomach bug going around. My son got it from daycare, threw up while sleeping & didn’t run into our room to tell us & now we’re all dealing with it. If she gets dehydrated, I know Pedialyte has popsicles & those have helped out tremendously
The last time something like this happened to my Aug baby, he was 8mo. They told me to give him pedialyte and put him on the BRAT diet. If he's still having wet diapers within 6 hours, he's fine, but if he's not having wet diapers, take him in.
Update: She had a wet diaper last night and we gave her pedialyte and she slept through the night and ate breakfast this morning so we thank God she’s didn’t throw up again and appears to be feeling better 🙏🏽
Thanks for all the tips ladies
Do they go to daycare? My daughter has just done this a week ago.
@Vanessa yes
Yeah, it might be a general daycare yuck. This happened to my daughter twice since I started working at daycare and taking her with me. She's probably okay, but keep monitoring her. Kids are so germy so this can happen often.
It just happens sometimes. I wouldn’t be worried unless she shows signs of being sick sick. Sounds like a stomach bug.