We do -pancakes -muffins -porridge fingers -omlette -eggy bread -crumpets -toast
Will he feed himself? We started on blw but had to introduce spoon feeding a couple of months ago as she started throwing everything we gave her and she now has a fit every time we try and feed her as she has to do it herself. The spoon is the only thing she won’t throw 😂 she actually surprised me with how good she can scoop and feed herself. I didn’t think she could x
I bought a tiny frying pan from Lidl and it was perfect for one egg omelettes for quick meals. I also put a small amount of veg in a bowl with a little water and steam it in the microwave. Takes 2 minutes x
@Nicola ooo porridge fingers?? How do you do them?!
I bought a recipe book for babies called yummy little belly, it has loads of things in there for finger foods, I just made my girl, egg, spinach, cheese and tomato muffins for breakfast and she absolutely loved them x